#99 kindness (remix) ~ All About Eve

Feb 05, 2007 23:26

title: Modern Girls
prompt: #99 ~ kindness (remainder) // a remix (with permission, and to her prompt) of So Few Come Back, a gorgeous yuletide '04 story by wearemany
fandom: All About Eve (1950)
pairing: Eve/OFC, Eve/Claudia, Eve/Margo
rating: K for kissing
words: 6x100 (excluding titles and dates)
thanks: to iamsab, for holding my hand, in this as in all things
A/N: " ( Read more... )

challenge100, author: projectjulie, fandom: all about eve, remix, challenge99

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Comments 8

iamsab February 6 2007, 04:30:08 UTC
wearemany will love this, and *I* love this and want to squeeze you for being such a genius. You totally win the remix game. Poor, desperate gay Hollywood wretches; oh, the backbiting! Oh, the desire and lust!


projectcyborg July 29 2007, 19:34:31 UTC
and I couldn't have done it without you.


theholyinnocent February 6 2007, 14:16:46 UTC
I love this! You really nailed the Hollywoodspeak of the 50s gossip magazines, and contrasting that with the characters' inner thoughts in this format/style is genius. Beautifully done.


projectcyborg July 29 2007, 19:28:53 UTC
eeeee, thank you! it was definitely a headache to try to get the vintage voices right, but once I snapped into it it practically wrote itself. (make sure you check out the original!)


karaokegal February 6 2007, 19:55:47 UTC
This is brilliant. All About Eve is one of the femslashiest films ever and you caught it perfectly.


projectcyborg July 29 2007, 19:29:41 UTC
hey, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it, because All About Eve deserves femslash, indeed.


giantessmess February 27 2007, 05:50:31 UTC
How in the hell did I miss out on this? Thank goodness I was lurking around your lj today, and saw the link.
This is sheer brilliance. And I think I need to see this movie again to remember a few things, but it's perfect. Eve is so deliciously evil.


projectcyborg July 29 2007, 19:32:43 UTC
clearly you should be paying more attention to femslash100! I don't necessarily do a good job of pimping my fic out, otherwise. anyway, I'm glad you found it and loved it. OH EVE. the movie is amazing, but really I saw the whole thing through wearemany's eyes.


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