Around the Clock: 01:00 / Prehistoric

Jan 17, 2007 16:03

Another fic for 'Around the Clock'. :-)

Claim: discworld, Maladicta
Prompt: 01:00 / prehistoric
Rating: G
Word Count: 150

Women's Mystery

I remember, once, when I was young, I went out walking one night, exploring the caves around our family castle.
I remember making my way through a cleft in a cliff, a crack just wide enough to admit my small body, and finding myself inside a cavern much bigger than I had expected.
I had no lantern. A vampire needs no such convenience. I needed none to see what covered the walls.
The walls were thick with the rust-red of ochre, and there were handprints, yes, and spirals, circles and chevrons, traced into the thick red clay.
And there were women. So many women.
Their images traced into the clay, hips and breasts and arms.
I turned my head, and they moved together.
What place is this? I wondered, not daring to touch the walls, not wanting to ruin it. What did they do here, who left their images behind?

- Amazon. :-)

drabble cycle: aroundtheclock

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