Challenge 90 - Reminder

Nov 12, 2006 03:17

Title: Jack Knows Best
Prompt: # 87 Understanding
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Liz Lemon/Gretchen Thomas
Rating: PG
Word count: 150

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author: ghost_writing, fandom: 30 rock, challenge90, challenge16, challenge87, fandom: law & order: svu, challenge61

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Comments 7

fallon_ash November 12 2006, 02:33:23 UTC
Yay, Liz/Gretchen fic! And the L&O one is just gorgeous. Thank you.


cabenson November 12 2006, 02:54:18 UTC
All of these were wonderful! The SVU one was undoubtedly on of the most beautiful pieces for that pairing that I have read in a VERY long time.

Well done!


greenovalfruit November 12 2006, 04:52:07 UTC
*snort* Poor Liz. Gretchen!!!!!!!!!!


sheepfairy November 12 2006, 18:43:43 UTC
These are great! I love the sense of comdey in the two 30 Rock ficlets, and how it switches over to tragedy in the SVU ficlet.


theagonyofblank November 12 2006, 21:56:29 UTC
Loved the Liz/Gretchen! I don't follow SVU, but it was lovely and very dark.


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