challenge 87 - understanding - Harry Potter, RENT, Feeling Electric

Oct 13, 2006 14:24

Author: Alex (soscaredtolove)
Prompt: #87 -- Understanding

Title: The Closest We've Come
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Millicent Bulstrode/Eleanor Branstone
Rating: PG
Word count: 145 words
A/N: ...The pairing seems totally random, I know. RP-inspired.
Summary: The gestures that stand in for words.

They have a silent language of their own, a way to be understood without others understanding. It's not that they're ashamed, or they want to keep it a secret, but there's no need in flaunting your business in everyone's face. So in public, they just use their little touches to mean things.

A hand on the small of the back means "come see me tonight". An "accidental" tug of the robe means "I'm busy tonight". Brushing an arm with their fingers means "I've missed you". Some things they don't even know how to translate into words, they mean the gestures and nothing to anyone but them.

And lying in bed, one hand settled lightly on the other's hip, completely comfortable with each other, is the closest either of them has ever come to saying "I love you".

Title: Nicknames
Fandom: RENT
Pairing: April/Maureen; April/Roger
Rating: PG
Word count: 125
A/N: ...Yay for more randomness!
Summary: Everyone misses the obvious.

He always had a reason: "I've got practice." "Everyone's waiting." "I'm tired." He could never stop, slow down, talk.

It started long before she decided to leave him, before she fell in love with her best friend, and now that something more important was going on, he was still doing it. But she needed to say this, needed to tell them both. More important that Roger knew, Roger was more likely... No.

She couldn't handle this.

She'd have found it funny, if she knew, that everyone assumed the Love on her note was adressed to Roger, though she never called him that. No one even questioned that she signed it Baby instead of Angel.

Title: Somewhere Hazy
Fandom: Feeling Electric
Pairing: Natalie/Diana
Rating: PG
Word count: 179
A/N: Warning for incest, which is... strange, but it's FE. You can make a case for anything in FE.
Summary: Mountains make you crazy.

Ten years apart made a lot of difference in how you saw each other. Fifteen and twenty-five looked completely different: it turned a pretty little girl into a sexy young woman; it turned a spaced-out but caring mother into a complete stranger.

And mountains always did make things strange. Diana loved them; she'd grown up among the mountains, and she always wondered why she'd left. In the mountains, she could make excuses for whatever she wanted, and then go through with it.

In the city, this would never have been allowed. Too many people around to hear, too much perfect, too little real. This was not perfect. This was crazy, unsteady, and the little voice of Dr Madden in the back of her head was reminding her that mania affected her mind in strange ways...

But Madden wasn't there, and Natalie wasn't her daughter anymore anyway, and it didn't matter what was right in the city, because this was the mountains, Diana's domain, and what Diana wanted here, she would have.

fandom: feeling electric, fandom: harry potter, fandom: rent, challenge87, author: soscaredtolove

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