
Oct 13, 2006 04:41

Title: The Delicious Laura Roslin Part I
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Cain/Roslin
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: I'm in a delicious!Roslin drabble mood.

Cain couldn't treat her like the furniture, but she circled the school teacher like a vulture. The predator had a keen sense of touch, of smell, as her fingers grazed the cloth of the presidential jacket.

"You have no power here," Cain breathed.

Vanilla. Civilian. Smoky tangs of a politician.

"You're deluding yourself, Admiral Cain."

"Are you sure about that?"

The predator desperately wanted a taste and suddenly, flavors burst on Cain's tongue like fiery speeches on a pedestal. Laura Roslin stood aghast, her mouth still pliant in the aftermath.

Cain smiled at her bruised lips. "No, I thought not."


Title: The Delicious Laura Roslin Part II
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Lee/Roslin/Kara
Rating: R
Prompt: Understanding
Word count: 100
Summary: This is for projectjulie because naughty triangles are fun and the idea was hers.

Briefing rooms should've been empty during night-shift.

You were lying with your legs wide open when she stepped in. Adama's boy wiped his mouth, covered parts of him with naked parts of you.

She stepped out with no apologies.

Fact is you never took her into account, not until Apollo went on the mission to destroy a Cylon base. Not until she embraced you.

Or stole a kiss in an empty corridor.

Or rode her hands up your leg.

Or understood Adama's current obsession with the briefing room tables as your ass bucked against them and you drank tobacco-heavy breaths.

fandom: battlestar galactica, author: frogfrizz, challenge87

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