Title: Plot Bunny In The Works
sparklebunnyFandom: RPFS (Bad Girls)
Pairing: Tracey Wilkinson/Claire King, Simone Lahbib/Mandana Jones
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 179
Tracey would often watch Claire as she delivered her lines on set. The blonde had a way of captivating all of her attention. To Tracey, Claire was the perfect specimen of a woman. Perfect skin, beautiful long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and, Oh God!, legs that went on forever. Tracey often wished they had more scenes together, or at least shared a closer connection than co-stars. She was jealous of the relationship that Simone and Mandana had, that complete understanding of each other that shone through with every scene they had together. She wanted that. Why couldn't the writers have a lesbian storyline that involved two P.O's? Surely the fans would follow it. Maybe she could try to sell the idea of Di/Karen as the next series' "Obligatory Lesbian Couple" to Ann and Maureen, they were the series co-creators after all, and had the most pulling power. Yes, that was a bloody brilliant idea! Just the thought of being able to touch Claire in an intimate way (even if it was scripted), made Tracey pulse with excitement.