Title: Pink Bows and Bunny Rabbits
Prompt: 'sock fluff', by
amazon_syrenFandom: Discworld: Monstrous Regiment
Pairing: Polly/Maladicta
Count de Worde: 200
Rating: PG
Notes: The meaning of the word "socks" will never be the same for me, thanks to this book.
A soldier, even one with a sharp smile and a knack for finding the best of the worst selection of attire, never dressed particularly fashionably. As a result, Polly had seen Maladicta looking good in oversized stinking greycoats, once-white shirts that had long since turned brownish grey, tattered and frayed uniform coats and trousers covered in old blood, boots without toes, and tattered grey socks. It was vampiric, to be sure, but it was almost heartening to see how anything could be imbued with a sense of style.
This, however, was too much even for her.
'What?' said Mal to Polly's surprised laughter. 'You're always complaining that my feet are cold.'
'I'm sorry.' Polly dropped on the bed and started taking off her own boots. 'They're just so… fluffy.'
She looked again at Mal's feet, crossed at ankles and propped up on the bedpost, and covered with a pair of new woollen socks, patterned in Shufti's unmistakable style with pink bows and bunny rabbits. Mal wiggled her toes within the socks, making Polly laugh again, and pulled her down among the covers. It was not hard to make Polly forget about socks when there were er ums to be considered.