Challenge 610 - Remainder Week

Jul 31, 2018 22:55

Challenge 609 is now over. Thank you to our challenge participants: alisanne★★★★★★★ and cmk418★. And thank you to our Drabble Tag participant, yesgalaxies★★★.

Since this is the tenth challenge week, it's time for a remainder week! You may write for any previous challenge prompts, with an emphasis on catching up on the past nine challenges.

601 - Emergency
602 - Savory
603 - E-mail
604 - Picnic
605 - Proud
606 - Independent
607 - Teddy bear
608 - Health
609 - Parents

Standard comm rules apply to the weekly challenge: 100 - 250 words, any f/f pairing, any fandom. See the user info for complete rules. Also, please remember to tag your entries 'challenge610' for remainder week along with the corresponding challenge you've chosen, as well as 'author: yourname', 'fandom: yourfandom' and, if applicable, 'crossover.'

Drabble Tag 8 and the Fanfic Tropes Drabble Cycle are both open for claims, prompts, and fills.

challenges, challenge610

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