Title: Prudent Miss Lucas
Prompt: Ring
Fandom: Pride & Prejudice
Pairing: Charlotte/Elizabeth
Count de Worde: 100
Rating: G
Notes: Reading P&P right now and loving it; especially the complex way in which everything is put, and the complete and painful respectability of it all. And the insight, of course.
Charlotte would not choose sense over love - not if she had any choice in the matter. When Elizabeth proclaimed as much, Charlotte was silent, for any reply would be impossible. She could not marry where she loved, but to make Elizabeth understand this was (everything she wanted) not a task in which she could expect much success, and her serenity would suffer for the attempt. As a child, she had spoken her heart freely, confessed all love and preference; but with age came understanding of wickedness, and a ring on her finger: a brand of betrayal, and her only protection.