Title: Destiny Prompt: Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Jessika/Rey - destiny, requested by fresh_brainss Fandom: Star Wars Pairing: Jessika/Rey Rating: G Word count: 100 Summary: Jessika sees her destiny in the stars.
Sailor Moon: wow this is awesome! Love the idea, the playfulness, and you're writing style is amazing! Kudos and thank you so much! :D
Batman beyond: ooooh this is so sweet! Poor Dana, but I can so imagine this scene. And good reliable Max <3 I'm glad it turned out good for Dana :) thank you so much ^^
You're very welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed them. They were both a lot of fun to write :D
I tend toward associating Serenity with melancholy, but the idea for that one hit me as soon as I saw the prompt and it was fun to write something for her more playful side.
Poor Dana, I always felt sorry for her; I'm really not a fan of heroes leaving all their loved ones in the dark about their alter egos. And as much as Max might enjoy helping to save the day, I can imagine she'd be willing to pull back and give Dana the night out that Terry can't in this instance.
Also thank you, I've been worrying lately about my style, heh.
(Now featuring the half of my comment I apparently deleted somehow before hitting enter...)
Aw, I love your Jessika POV. We see so few fics from her perspective, so for her to see Rey like that is perfect.
I love how Max is the one to step up to the plate with Dana. She might be just as involved in fighting crime as Terry, but she seems like the type to keep things in perspective, too.
And I love how in so few words, you captured just the kind of adventure Belle was seeking from her books. A mystery woman, a whirlwind dance...the perfect fairy tale!
I've only written a little BlueRey, but it always ends up being from Jessika's POV. Writing how she sees Rey is always a joy (even if I do want to get around to Rey's POV eventually, lol).
Agreed about Max, plus she does have more leeway than Terry since she's not teeechnically supposed to be involved in bat-business XD
Lol, it didn't feel like so few words when I was trying to wrestle it into shape. I'm glad it all came across, though! I was really worried about the setup and pacing in that one.
Comments 8
Batman beyond: ooooh this is so sweet! Poor Dana, but I can so imagine this scene. And good reliable Max <3 I'm glad it turned out good for Dana :) thank you so much ^^
I tend toward associating Serenity with melancholy, but the idea for that one hit me as soon as I saw the prompt and it was fun to write something for her more playful side.
Poor Dana, I always felt sorry for her; I'm really not a fan of heroes leaving all their loved ones in the dark about their alter egos. And as much as Max might enjoy helping to save the day, I can imagine she'd be willing to pull back and give Dana the night out that Terry can't in this instance.
Also thank you, I've been worrying lately about my style, heh.
(Now featuring the half of my comment I apparently deleted somehow before hitting enter...)
I love how Max is the one to step up to the plate with Dana. She might be just as involved in fighting crime as Terry, but she seems like the type to keep things in perspective, too.
And I love how in so few words, you captured just the kind of adventure Belle was seeking from her books. A mystery woman, a whirlwind dance...the perfect fairy tale!
I've only written a little BlueRey, but it always ends up being from Jessika's POV. Writing how she sees Rey is always a joy (even if I do want to get around to Rey's POV eventually, lol).
Agreed about Max, plus she does have more leeway than Terry since she's not teeechnically supposed to be involved in bat-business XD
Lol, it didn't feel like so few words when I was trying to wrestle it into shape. I'm glad it all came across, though! I was really worried about the setup and pacing in that one.
I Loved This !!!!
thank you so much for writing it !!
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