Challenge #531 - Taboo - Arrow - Laurel/Nyssa

Jan 29, 2017 12:01

Title: Adrift
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Challenge #531 - Taboo
Fandom: Arrow
Pairings: Laurel/Nyssa
Rating: R
Word count: 200
Note: Set during S3, contains a major spoiler for that season.

"We shouldn't," Laurel put her hand on Nyssa's, stopping her progress. Nyssa's fingers froze on the button of Laurel's jeans. Just another slight movement and it would be undone.

"You don't want this?" Nyssa asked. They could feel each other's breath on their lips.

"Yes I want, but, Sara."

"I loved her deeply," Nyssa looked Laurel in the eyes. "Sara's gone." The wound was unhealed. Nyssa had lost her love and Laurel had lost her sister. Both of them wondered if this spark of attraction might really be about a connection to Sara. Were the desires really some strange expression of grief?

"We're here," Laurel said.

"We're here," Nyssa nodded.

They resumed kissing, tentatively at first, then the acceptance came that whatever this was it was something they both needed. A desperate need that overrode the right or wrong of what they were doing.

Jeans unbuttoned. Nyssa's long fingers wriggled down under Laurel's underwear. It wasn't long before their clothes were scattered on the floor and they were naked together on Laurel's bed.

Gasping, moaning, panting. In the dark they clung to each other, grasping for something to give them hope in the sea of misery that had consumed them.

challenge531, author: swan_secrets, fandom: arrow

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