Title: Purple Thong
Prompt: The Closer: Brenda/Mikki Mendoza - womanizer
Requested By:
madampresidentRating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Mikki’s attempts at seduction
“Burning the midnight oil, Chief?” Mikki purred.
Brenda jumped, turning and seeing the younger woman leaning against the doorframe. “You never give up, do you?”
“Oh, Chief… you cut me to the quick!” She feigned shock. “Maybe I’d be less persistent if we hadn’t had an evening of hot, steamy, unbridled-”
“Yes, well…” Brenda cleared her throat. “That was… a one time thing.”
“Thought you’d like these back all the same.” Mikki pulled a purple thong from her pocket.
Brenda smirked. “That’s not mine.”
“Are you sure?” Mikki furrowed her brow.
Mikki patted down her other pockets. “Hold on…”