Drabble Cycle - DCU: Harley/Kate

Oct 02, 2016 19:29

Title: a quick-fix change of regimes
Prompt: 27. Vampires
Fandom: Batman/Injustice: Gods Among Us
Pairing: Harley/Kate
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Summary: "For the last time, Harley, I'm not letting you turn an innocent kid just because you want to be a mother."

fandom: batman, fandom: dcu, drabble cycle: alternate universes, author: crookedspoon, fandom: injustice: gods among us

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Comments 2

kerkevik_2014 October 2 2016, 21:25:57 UTC
Not getting anything when I click on the link in the summary.


crookedspoon October 2 2016, 22:00:00 UTC
Thanks for letting me know, and for your interest :D


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