alcohol, mirror, surrender, salt, sugar, control

Aug 27, 2006 12:51

Title: Drinking Alone
Fandoms: Wicked (the novel) crossover with Camelot (the musical)
Pairing: Elphaba/Guenevere, and hints of Elphaba/Glinda
Rating: Oh, PG? 13? It's not much.
A/N: seriously I am on crack for even thinking of this. Set in the Mauntery of Wicked, screwing with the timelines enough to place Guenevere in the care of those holy ( Read more... )

crossover, challenge79, challenge72, author: frogfrizz, fandom: camelot, challenge74, challenge78, challenge77, challenge80, fandom: wicked, challenge73

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Comments 8

amazon_syren August 27 2006, 14:12:36 UTC

Wow. :-)

I particularly like #5. :-) Trying to make her someone else and not being able to pretend. That was excellently done. :-)


ouch_right August 28 2006, 09:40:33 UTC
Thank you very much :)


labellamafia494 August 27 2006, 16:53:48 UTC
I'm not familiar at all with Guenevere, but I enjoyed this very much nonetheless - nice take on Elphie's silence at the mauntery!


ouch_right August 28 2006, 09:43:14 UTC
I can't say I am overly familiar with her either! But I saw a production of Camelot the other night and the actress was stunning. Straight away I was mentally casting her as a future Glinda, and then in the midst of my daydreams, she was sent off to live with some holy sisters. Aha, maunts! And thus, it was born :) Basically she's angsty and pretty. LOL.


sheepfairy September 6 2006, 03:28:19 UTC
This was excellent! I love how you managed to match the characters' emotional situations so that the pairing made perfect sense.


ouch_right September 6 2006, 09:58:26 UTC
Thankyou very much :)


projectcyborg September 8 2006, 20:06:13 UTC
this series is stunning. the parallels you draw between the two characters are genius, and allow such a rich, heartbreaking exploration of each of them. I don't think I've read anything about Elphaba in the mauntery, and it was so moving. the non-linear structure is gorgeous and perfectly compliments their life in mourning. bravo!


ouch_right September 9 2006, 10:38:53 UTC
Awww, thankyou! That's such high praise. You make me like what I have written :)


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