Title: Good News?
Prompt: Major Crimes: Female!Jackson Raydor/Sharon Raydor - grudge
Requested By:
madampresidentRating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sharon doesn’t associate good things with her estranged wife, Jackson Raydor
“Hey, Sharon.” Jackson Raydor grinned at her estranged wife from behind her desk.
“Jack.” Sharon rolled her eyes. “I don’t have time for this.”
“You don’t know why I’m here.”
“I know you never bring me good news.” Sharon said challengingly.
“Cut me to the quick, Shar!” Jackson laid her hand over her heart, feigning hurt. She stood up and walked up to Sharon; Sharon took a single step back and Jackson wrapped her arms around Sharon.
Sharon closed her eyes, feeling herself melting into the other woman’s embrace.
“Damn it.” Sharon sighed in defeat. “What do you want, Jack?”