Challenge #71 Caffeine

Aug 25, 2006 23:22

Title:  Chocolate Ice cream
Fandom: BSG/Voyager
Characters: Roslin/Janeway
Disclaimer - still not mine

OK - so I'm in pwp mood

Laura stopped Kathryn’s hand from travelling up her thigh with shake of her head. “Bad Kathryn, just who said you could touch?” Blue eyes met hers glinting with humour. “Instant gratification is vastly overrated.” ( Read more... )

crossover, fandom: battlestar galactica, challenge80, author: selenay_x, fandom: star trek: voyager, challenge71

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Comments 16

sunring August 25 2006, 22:38:05 UTC
Oh la la! I really like this one...'specially the beginning.


selenay_x August 25 2006, 23:11:44 UTC
Thank you. May continue with this pwp theme for control and surrender challenges if you liked the beginning. And here was I trying to be good


sunring August 26 2006, 00:14:19 UTC
lol. Well, I actually liked the first part best because there was lots of dialogue. And it was upbeat and fun (not to mention sexy)...I'm not a huge fan of angst, lol. I like happy endings :)


selenay_x August 26 2006, 08:16:47 UTC
Aha - well I don't thibnk you have to worry about angst from me at the memeont - I seem to be in fluffy pwp mode (which is s litle scary for me)


frogfrizz August 26 2006, 00:53:20 UTC
AAAAH! Naughty images! Yes, I do have to agree that the conversation at the beginning was so very yummy. And that the contrast between hot and cold, the kiss, the passion...the FOOD --oh my! Write more! (Sorry, I can't get enough of these two.)


selenay_x August 26 2006, 08:18:19 UTC
Will see what I can do - but you do have to blame yourself, your ficlets obviously inspired my museling


frogfrizz August 26 2006, 10:54:28 UTC
Well, I'm really glad they did! :)


radak August 26 2006, 07:24:20 UTC


selenay_x August 26 2006, 08:19:06 UTC
*looks innocent and grins*


missfoxie August 27 2006, 15:13:37 UTC
Oh FRAK, this is extremely yummy.

God, I'm beyond ecstatic that this pairing has really taken off, and that it now exists not just solely in my head.


selenay_x August 29 2006, 06:53:47 UTC
Thank you - and trust me, it's not just in your head, they are rather demanding


projectcyborg September 8 2006, 14:38:16 UTC
these two together are trouble, aren't they? I love how you highlight both women's sensuality so intensely.


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