Title: With These Hands
Author: Temari778
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Pairing: Prim/Rue
Rating: G
Prompt: Flowers
Word Count: 100
Requested by
write-x-always Prim watched Rue twist and tie the stems of dandelions together with her calloused, but nimble fingers, as if she'd done it many times. Maybe she had.
She sat down next to her and removes her shoes, the grass tickling her feet.
Rue shifts and stands, in her hands a crown of green and yellow made of a dozen interwoven flowers.
Something in Prim's chest leaps and thinks how beautiful it is.
"Here," Rue says and places it carefully on her head.
There is a sudden breeze but it doesn't displace the flowers.
Prim wants to make one in return.