Challenge #483 - split

Nov 30, 2015 01:15

Before we get into the weekly round-up, I just wanted to remind writers that Drabble Tag 6 is ending for new prompts starting tomorrow. If you'd like to get your last few prompts in, do so soon. Filling is open as usual for the week, and the Fill-a-Thon begins Dec. 7 with details to follow.

Challenge #482 is over. Thank you to this week's challenge participants: clarahow★, coeur_ananas★, katleept★, killing_kurare★, moondoormajesty★, and yuri_onna★★.

Challenge #483 is split.

Standard comm rules apply to the weekly challenge - 100 - 250 words, any f/f pairing, any fandom. See the user info for complete rules. Also, please remember to tag your entries 'challenge483' as well as 'author: yourname', 'fandom: yourfandom' and, if applicable, 'crossover.'

Thanks again to this week's Drabble Cycle: AU's participants: dreammaidenn★★ and moondoormajesty★★. This cycle is open for claims.

And thank you for the most recent Drabble Tag 6 writers: agirlnamedtruth★, clarahow★★★★★★, coeur_ananas★★, stardustcd★, swan_secrets★, and temari778★★.

Let me know if you have any questions. Get those last prompts in!

challenge483, admin, challenges

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