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Comments 4

bella_farfalla August 10 2015, 12:43:57 UTC
Swan Queen - SO cute! I can totally see Regina getting all excited over making Emma wear heels for a change.

Amy/Clara - Cute and hot ad perfectly in character! :D

Darcy/Natasha - HAHAHAHA PERFECTION! Of course Darcy could beat even Natasha at video games! haha

Katnniss/Joahanna - Hot but so sad! *sniffs*


swan_secrets August 10 2015, 20:54:46 UTC
EEEEEEEEeee thank you so much, I'm very happy you liked these :D


4kennedy August 10 2015, 13:18:44 UTC
you're as busy as a bee =)
OUAT: it's not easy to image Emma in heels, but it was so fun and sweet. Especially loved your Regina <3
DW: so glad Cara came prepared *g* also a good thing that Amy knows what it means to go on a trip with the Doctor.
Awesome!! It's always amazing what you can do with a couple of words and a prompt.


swan_secrets August 10 2015, 20:52:29 UTC
Not as busy as I'd like to be, but I'm determined one day to have written something for every challenge their's ever been

Regina is so much fun to write, I don't think I'll ever tire of her.

I'm enjoying playing with Clara and Amy, I'm sure they'd enjoy playing with each other if they had the chance.

Thank you so much for your lovely words!


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