Title: Gifts and Choices
Fandom: Mad Max: Fury Road
Pairing: Cheedo/The Dag
Rating: PG-13
Mad Max: Fury Road, Cheedo/The Dag - innocenceWord count: 250
Summary: Innocence can be many things.
The first person Cheedo sees, after the Imperator shoves her into her new cage, is the Dag. Her hair hangs over her face as she looks up, revealing one glittering eye, concealing the rest of her.
"It's not a gift, is it?" she says. "Not something you ever wanted."
"What are you talking about?" Cheedo asks.
"Innocence," the Dag says, with a terrible smile. She looks at Cheedo like she doesn't understand what makes her work, and she intends to disassemble her and analyze the pieces to find out. But she's also the first person to pull Cheedo's hair back from her neck and wash the blood from her skin, cool water and clean cloth, profanities muttered in a repeating loop as she works. She isn't innocent. Even after Cheedo learns how little difference it makes, she can't help but envy that.
But innocence is a shield. The Dag tells her that too, as Cheedo combs the tangles from her hair, late at night after all the others are sleeping - "be fragile. Let them believe it." So gift or not, she wraps it around herself, until she finds herself on a speeding truck and she sees that a shield can be a weapon too.
And later still, when everything is quiet, there's another choice to make. One she has no fear of now, with the Dag holding her close and careful, like she's fragile still.
"I'm through with shields," she says, and lets her robe fall open.