Title: this won't be played on your radio
Prompt: Drabble Cycle 6: Anita/Mattie - hack
Requested by:
agirlnamedtruthFandom: Humans
Pairing: Anita/Mattie
Word Count: 100
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AO3 Mattie doesn't really know how it happened, but since her failed hack, Anita has been acting differently.
It’s barely noticeable, at first, and Mum and Dad certainly don’t see it.
Mattie does.
Anita’s eyes glow brighter, harsher somehow, and it’s (her) fists clench sometimes when Mum’s being a bitch to her, and some nights, Mattie hears Anita crying “help me”, but when she walks (runs) downstairs, Anita sits motionless, her battery re-charging itself.
Mattie won’t admit it, but Anita’s not too bad nowadays.
Anita lingers in Mattie’s room for much longer than she should, and Mattie wants to kiss her.