Drabbletag6, Orphan Black, Siobhan/Marian, need you now

Jun 25, 2015 18:32

Title: I've lost all control and I need you now.
Prompt: Need you now
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Siobhan/Marian
Rating: M
Word count: 173
Summary: There's a horrible truth clear in Marian's eyes.

There's a horrible truth clear in Marian's eyes, it's a truth that Siobhan helped make happen but now, as she looks down at the woman on her knees, sobbing, in the rain she doesn't stop to think. She pulls Marian up and inside. Marian had said only one thing...

"I need you."

Now, as Marian lets herself be carried to the bed, it's clear that she has lost more than control of her company. She has lost everything. Siobhan lays Marian down, strips them both and moves to settle over her, her lips brushing over Marian's, claiming her with simple tenderness. Marian shivers even as Siobhan begins to caress her skin, her hand pausing at Marian's waist, finding the long scar there, her eyes meeting Marian's as she caresses it, her lips meeting Marian's again. She doesn't need to say anything, it's all there in her eyes. She wants Marian, all of her. Siobhan smiles again as Marian shivers under her touch, arching to her touch.

"You aren't going anywhere... your mine now."

author: femme_slash_fan, drabbletag6, fandom: orphan black

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