Title: Whole Lot Harder...
Prompt: revenge sex
Fandom: Nashville
Pairing: Layla/Scarlett
Rating: G
Word count: 102
Summary: Layla finally lets herself admit she wanted Scarlett and not Will...
"Fuck Will..."
Layla is a little surprised by Scarlett's outburst, but she smiles all the same.
"Yeah, fuck him... he's an idiot."
"I seem to pick 'em.."
"Yeah, you and me both."
Scarlett pauses, downs the last of her beer then smirks.
"You know he'd go crazy if we hooked up..."
"Scarlett O'Connor... you are some kind of evil genius..."
"Yeah well, who said revenge sex had to be with the person we're mad at?"
Layla says nothing, smirking as she leans to kiss Scarlett fiercely.
"Well then, your place or mine?"
"Well, yours'd give more chance of him walking in..."