Drabbletag - Monster

Jun 16, 2015 11:35

Title: Clawed
Prompt: Drabbletag 6 - Monster
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Elsa/Regina
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Notes: Spoilers for Season Four

It’s always been there, creeping in the back of her mind. That fear, making Elsa breathless, making her need to squeeze her eyes shut and focus on control, on keeping her emotions safely bottled inside. But still the voice teases her, coaxes at her with words like ice.

‘What if you’re a monster?’

Elsa’s tried to ignore it, tried to fight it, on her darkest days has even surrendered to it, sobbing into her knees as snow fills the air.

It’s easier now, at least. After everything that happened at her coronation, she has people to talk to, a sister who loves her, and that helps drown out the voice.

Because Anna doesn’t think Elsa’s powers make her a monster. She thinks they make Elsa special.

Regina, on the other hand, admits to being a monster. She wears her past not with pride, but with steely determination. Regina calls herself a monster, and Elsa thinks she means it as a warning to others not to get close, a warning to herself not to forget.

Sometimes Elsa wonders what the voice in Regina’s head whispers to her.

It should frighten her, to be with somebody who became everything Elsa ever feared in herself, but instead it makes her feel safer. Because Regina fell, but she clawed her way back up, and the woman who holds Elsa’s hand so sweetly, who teases her, who kisses Elsa with such passion, she’s no monster anymore.

No, Regina’s special, too.

They can be not-monsters together.

drabbletag6, author: salmon_pink, fandom: once upon a time

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