Title: Where It's Cold
Author: Temari778
Fandom: The 100
Pairing: Costia/Lexa
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Tragic
Word Count: 111
Summary: What she dreams is not entirely a memory.
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xjadedgrlx Costia's hair sticks to the dried blood caked on the side of her face. The wound itself was situated near her hairline, a small pool of blood, but no longer seeping. This close, she smells of pine trees.
Her face is pale and gaunt, eyes sunk deep in her face.
Suddenly, the Ice Queen's men are dragging her away. Lexa tries to stop them, but finds that her legs are chained.
She shouts, but no one hears, not even Costia, her eyes downcast. Nearby, there is a woman wearing a mask made of bones. In her hands is an axe, clean and sharp.
Lexa is jolted awake, but does not scream.