DrabbleTag5: Once Upon A Time (Ruby/Belle) & Harry Potter (Andromeda/Narcissa)

Feb 01, 2015 19:16

Title: It Is Time
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Ruby/Belle
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 249
NOTE: werewolf!sex

At first Belle thinks Ruby is running a fever. Her flesh is extra warm to the touch.

Then she remembers.

It’s Wolfstime soon.

Finally thought Belle.


‘Belle, what are you still doing here? You should be at the library now. Wolfstime is almost upon us,’ said Ruby.

Us. Not me.

That in itself was hope enough for Belle.

‘I don’t need to be anywhere but here with you Ruby,’ replied Belle, stepping forward to kiss Ruby sweetly.

As Ruby began reciprocating, Belle started to kiss more aggressively, tugging at Ruby’s bottom lip.

‘It’s not safe,’ began Ruby as she tried to pull away despite her body’s insistence that she was an idiot for even thinking of trying to escape Belle’s clearly amorous intent.

‘It is safe,’ replied Belle. ‘I am safe. You are safe.’


Belle feels so powerful that she would find it ridiculous, but there she is, crouching over Ruby with her fingers curling up inside, stroking as hard and fast as she can.

Ruby grapples uselessly at the carpet, pushing back with increasing desperation as Belle brings her closer and closer to orgasm.

She yells out as it finally hits her, tipped over the edge by Belle stretching herself to bite Ruby’s earlobe, three fingers thrust in as far as possible.

The change happens in seconds, and Belle finds herself face to face with a wolf, head nudging her to lie down as Ruby’s snout nosed her clit and her long tongue slid inside Belle.

Title: She Once Was Dark
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Andromeda/Narcissa
Rating: M
Word Count: 249
NOTE: Blackcest

Narcissa remembers when Andromeda could be cruel too. Back when she was still a Black.

She had awoken from the night’s rest to find herself strapped to a chair. Not with magic like Bellatrix was apt to do, but with rope. Andromeda. Only she would deign to take the time to tie her up like this.

‘Andie! What is the meaning of this?’ demanded Narcissa. ‘Mother will be furious if we do not make an appearance for breakfast!’

Andromeda only chuckled, getting up from Narcissa’s bed from behind the chair.

Narcissa went very still as Andromeda’s lips grazed her ear, ‘Don’t struggle, Cissy dear. We wouldn’t want you to bruise your lovely skin, now would we?’

For another few glorious but torturous minutes (years it had felt like at the time), Andromeda had slipped a cold hand up Narcissa’s nightie, very lightly touching, and occasionally pinching at the soft flesh of her thighs. With each pass Andromeda’s hand went higher and ever closer to where Narcissa wanted that hand.

And did those fingers slip inside as she so yearned?


Just before she swirled her fingers around Narcissa’s aching clit, Andromeda simply whispered, ‘I love seeing you like this.’

Narcissa squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to thrust her hips forward, moaning, ‘Please, Andie!’

But Andromeda had disapparated, leaving Narcissa to untangle herself from the suddenly slack ropes.

Narcissa remembers that day quite clearly, sitting her luxurious but lonely mansion, and longs for it with all her heart.

fandom: harry potter, drabbletag5, author: demoka, fandom: once upon a time

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