Just A Little While Longer (Charmed; Prue/Piper; PG-13/T; #443: Moment)

Jan 26, 2015 05:31

Working Title: Just A Little While Longer
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Charmed
Character/Pairing: Prue/Piper
Rating: PG-13/T
Challenge: #443: Moment
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Spelling Entertainment, not the author, and are used without permission.

"It's not your time, dear one."

"But, Prue, I want it to be! I've waited so long!"

"I need you to wait just a little while longer."

"No, you don't."

"No." She smiles sadly with the admission. "But they do, and I need you to be there for them since I can't."

"But I've missed you so much!" Her fingers thread through her ebony hair, that's long again and softer than she's ever felt it.

"I miss you, too, Piper. I love you." Her hands cup her face; she is filled with her love. "But I need you to do this for me. For us. For our family."

She hesitates for just a moment more, then presses her lips to hers. Piper swiftly feels herself drowning in her sister's kiss, and she knows before it's over that she will do as Prue asks. She will continue to live for a while longer, no matter how much she doesn't want to. She'll do it for her. She'll do it for their sisters, for their family, for them. But when her eyes reopen in the modern world, she wants only to close them again, to die truly, and be with her sister, her lover, forever more.

The End

fandom: charmed, challenge443, author: katleept

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