Title: With Icing On Top
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Adventure Time
Pairing: Princess Bubblegum/Fionna
Rating: PG
Word count: 216
Prompt: Cake
"So, anyway," Fionna says through a mouthful of cake (it was marble with butter cream frosting and strawberries on top), "she was telling me the other day..."
Princess Bubblegum listened to her nonsensical story with some interest, careful as to nod at the right times.
Given what they were eating, perhaps it was a good thing Fionna's cat, Cake, had not come along. That would have been...confusing.
As Fionna grabs another slice of cake, Princess Bubblegum signals for the butler to pour her another cup of tea. It was her third one. She noticed that Fionna was still on her first, forgetting that she didn't really care for tea that much.
Princess Bubblegum found herself on the verge of boredom, that is, until, a drop of white icing falls onto Fionna's shirt, right on her left breast (of all places).
Bubblegum almost drops the spoon she'd been using to stir her tea with, but catches herself, then makes sure her mouth isn't gaping open.
She looks away quickly, waiting for Fionna to notice her shirt, but she doesn't, but instead puts another piece into her mouth.
Bubblegum feels a slight sense of relief, leaving her to stare at it (without being too obvious), watching it melt, leaving a small dark spot on Fionna's blue shirt.