Title: Room For Two
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Challenge #441 - Bath
Fandom: Batman (no specific verse)
Pairings: Harley/Selina
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
Selina cocked her head when she entered the penthouse she was currently 'borrowing'. There was singing. Terrible, off-key and high-pitched, singing coming from the bathroom. After a moment she recognised the lyrics as being Monty Python's 'Lumberjack Song'.
Harley looked up at Selina and laughed with girlish glee. She was in the tub which was so full of airy bubbles that they were piled high on top of the water and also all over the floor. Harley's head too was mostly covered, making her look a lot like a mall Santa Claus.
Selina put her hand on her hip, and gestured with her other hand at the empty plastic bottle in the sink. "You used all my bubble bath. My very expensive bubble bath."
"I know! It’s awesome! You have the best taste in stealing bath products."
Selina sighed, then smiled, "I suppose if I'm going to get any enjoyment out of them I better get in." She started unzipping her catsuit.
"Yes! Plenty of room for two!" Harley kicked her feet, splashing water and bubbles all over the place.
"You're lucky you're cute and good in bed," Selina said. "I won't let just anyone get away with using all my bubbles."
While Harley sang again (this time the song was 'Do You Want to build a Snowman?' from Frozen) and splashed her feet and waved her bubbly arms to the tune Selina stripped off.
"Come get wet kitty kitty," Harley said once Selina was naked.
Selina was happy to.