Drabbletag5, Crossover, Orphan Black/CSI, Cosima/Wendy, science geeks

Jan 03, 2015 01:07

Title: Of Glass and Glasses
Author: Temari778
Fandom(s): Orphan Black/CSI
Pairing: Cosima/Wendy
Rating: G
Word Count: 140
Prompt: Science geeks
Notes: My first crossover prompt. :)

The beaker )

crossover, author: temari778, fandom: csi vegas, fandom: orphan black, drabbletag5

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Comments 2

femme_slash_fan January 4 2015, 19:40:36 UTC
Oh dear Wendy!

This is very sweet though.


halliwell66 January 17 2015, 09:07:00 UTC
This is lovely. Can't say I've ever read a fic with Wendy, even though she was my fav from CSI, now I'm off to find moar.


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