Title: Seal the Bond
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Bathing
Fandom: MCU
Pairing: Darcy/Jane/Sif
Rating: R
Word count: 250
In dark green robes of a silken material the three went into the vast bathing chamber. Darcy and Jane were hand in hand, Sif pushed the door closed behind them.
In the center of the room was an octagonal pool, bubbling right in the middle.
"You may remove your robes now," Sif said. Jane and Darcy looked back to find Sif had already done so. They shared a look and a smile and let their robes fall. "Have I mentioned how exquisite you both are?"
"Not since this morning," Darcy replied.
Sif went to them and the trio shared increasingly passionate kisses.
"Let's get wet," said Jane.
"Baby I'm already there," Darcy's hand slipped between Jane's legs. "You are too."
They got in the water. It was wonderfully warm and smelled of lilac. Using a thick pale pink sponge Sif spent ten minutes using the sponge on Jane and Darcy's back and neck and chest. As she did Sif explained it was a courtship ritual. "A warrior bathes their love, or loves. In these waters we become clean together, washing away all until what remains are our purified bodies and love for each other."
Sif set the sponge on the side of the pool. She took them both by the hand then kissed them softly on the lips, Darcy first then Jane.
"Once cleansed the lovers seal their bond within the waters."
"By seal the bond..." Jane raised her eyebrows.
"Please say sex," said Darcy.
"As you say," Sif smiled.