Challenge #427 - Hands

Oct 04, 2014 20:30

Title: Fingerprinted
Prompt: #427 Hands
Fandom: The Amazing Spider-Man Movieverse
Pairing: Gwen/Gwen
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Notes: Selfcest, set before The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Dating a superhero and working for a corporation with a shady history when it comes to illegal experiments certainly keeps life interesting.

Maybe ‘interesting’ isn’t a strong enough word.

Getting cloned isn’t even the weirdest thing that’s happened to Gwen this month.

Maybe making-out with her clone should be at the top of that list.

It’s Peter’s fault. Which is kind of uncharitable, but he’d taken off with vague assurances that he would fix everything, and that was two whole days ago, so Gwen’s a little pissed. All she’s heard from him is the odd text proclaiming ‘working on it’.

Gwen’s not sure how the jump happened, from Peter asking her to keep an eye on the clone, to her lips being pressed to a mouth that’s perfectly like her own. But this whole situation is insane, so Gwen figures she may as well go with it.

The clone, the other Gwen, bites softly at her bottom lip, pulls back to grin at her playfully. She tugs Gwen closer, chest to chest, and Gwen takes her hand, tangles their fingers together.

There’s a small scar there, across both of their hands, precisely the same place. From an accident with a junior chemistry set, years ago.

It doesn’t make sense that the clone would have the same scar; she should be a copy of genetics alone, but nothing’s ever straight forward when it comes to Oscorp.

Gwen’s fine with that. Because the clone knows exactly how Gwen likes to be kissed.

author: salmon_pink, challenge427, fandom: the amazing spider-man movies

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