drabbletag5, Arrow: Sara/Nyssa "Ruining A Wedding"

Oct 02, 2014 20:21

Title: Ruining A Wedding
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Wedding
Fandom: Arrow
Pairing: Sara/Nyssa
Rating: G
Word count: 225

"It's his wedding day," Sara said.

"He'd be just as dead if you killed him any other day."

Sara set down the binoculars she had been watching the bride and groom through. They were across the park, by the lake. There was a big gazebo set up where the party was in full swing.

"Who is he?"

"Does it matter? My father commands that you kill him."

She looked through the binoculars again. The groom was posing for a happy picture with a couple of other guys in tuxes. "Do you think you'll ever get married?" The groom told a joke, the guys laughed.

"Are you asking?" Nyssa said and gave her thigh a squeeze.

"I don't think we're quite there," Sara replied, not taking her eyes of the man she was supposed to assassinate.

"It would take great courage to ask my father for my hand in marriage."

"More like insanity." Sara lowered her binoculars again and looked at Nyssa. She thought about what their wedding could be like. White dresses and flowers. No. Not like that. Maybe some ancient ceremony on a mountaintop. Isolated. Together. "How do we do it?"

"Your choice love," Nyssa replied.

"Quick. Painless as possible."

"How sentimental of you," Nyssa smiled.

"Must be all your sweetness rubbing off on me."

Nyssa laughed.

Together they went to ruin a wedding.

author: swan_secrets, drabbletag5, fandom: arrow

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