Crossover, MCU/The Amazing Spider-Man: Gwen/Jane

Sep 27, 2014 22:33

Title: Test Six
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Science
Fandom: Crossover, MCU/The Amazing Spider-Man
Pairing: Gwen/Jane
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 250

"How about that one?" asked Jane and set aside the equipment.

Gwen took a few seconds to catch her breath before replying. "I'd say a solid seven."

Jane grabbed the clipboard and pen and noted the result. She put them back down again. "Okay, test number six. Ready?"

Gwen nodded and composed herself. "Ready for test number six."

Jane adjusted her latex gloves and picked up the sixth vibrator that she'd laid out for the experiment. Gwen spread her legs wide, her feet flat on the bed. Jane twisted the base of the toy and it started buzzing. Jane looked at Gwen. Naked. Wet. A look of happy and lust on her face.

Jane was wearing a white lab coat and white latex gloves. And nothing else. Her panties had been used to bind Gwen's wrists over her head. So she couldn't accidentally (or otherwise) interfere with the experimental process.

Jane slid the thumb of her left hand up Gwen's pussy, using it to pull back her hood and expose her clit. She touched the tip of the vibrator to Gwen's clit and started counting.

Gwen moaned, eyes fluttering closed, back arching to raise her hips to the toy.

After a ten count Jane pulled the toy away.

Gwen mewled in frustration "I was so close to coming."

"Score?" Jane asked.

"Nine. Please just let me..."

"I think we'll have to, don't want you being so close to influence the test," Jane said and put her hand to Gwen's cunt.

author: swan_secrets, crossover, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, drabbletag5, fandom: the amazing spider-man movies

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