- Kinks #2 - Anonymity : The Moth Diaries, Ernessa/Rebecca

Sep 21, 2014 06:33

Title: Playing Pretend
Prompt: Kinks #2 - Anonymity
Fandom: The Moth Diaries
Pairing: Ernessa/Rebecca with a hint of implied Lucy/Rebecca and Rebecca/Anyone
Rating: PG - R
Word Count: 100

Rebecca could almost imagine that it was Lucy's hands that touch her, if it weren't for the chill that came from them. Instead, she just closes her eyes and pretends that it's anyone, any other girl in the school.

Pretend that the hair in her hands is blonde, red, or brown. Anything but the actual silky dark waves she ran her hands through. Cold soft lips kiss their way down her stomach.

A gasp escapes from her mouth as ice like fingers sink into the warm wet heat of her, trying to ignore the predatory gaze in those green eyes.

drabble cycle: kinks, fandom: the moth diaries, author: shadow_sapphire

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