Drabbletag - Agents of SHIELD: Skye/Jemma - new piercing

Sep 09, 2014 14:42

Title: Return
Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Pairing: Skye/Jemma
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
Prompt: New piercing
Summary: Skye returns to Jemma after a couple of days off.

Skye didn't really want to take a leave in the middle of the chaos that was re-building SHIELD, but after what went down with Ward, Coulson forced her and May to take a couple of days away to relax, in order to come back with their 'batteries recharged', as he had put it.

So then, a couple of days later, May and Skye return and are greeted by a very expectant Jemma Simmons; she hadn't realized how much she had missed Skye until she got up one day and no sweet smile was waiting for her in the kitchen, holding a coffee mug for her. May gives her a quick greeting and walks away to find Coulson, whereas Skye runs up to Jemma and hugs her right away, much to the scientist's amusement.

"So, how was Mexico?" she asks when the other woman frees her of the embrace.

"Fun, actually. I didn't expect it to be, but I guess after everything... we kind of deserved it, right?"

"Of course you do" Simmons agrees. "So, tell me, what did you do? I wanna know everything about the trip!"

"Well, I got a new piercing" Skye mentions as they start walking together.

Jemma laughs, then notices Skye isn't. "You're serious?" Skye nods. "Oh my God, where? Can I see it?"

"It's somewhere... not visible for the general public. And about seeing it, maybe I'll show you later tonight" Skye winks at her and then walks away, leaving a very confused (and very flustered) Jemma behind.

fandom: agents of shield, drabbletag5, author: wildlinggirl

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