Title: On the Right Track
cmk418Prompt: 423- Stranger
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Rating: FRT
Word Count: 100
Summary: Willow feels like a stranger in a strange land
For a moment, Willow felt like a stranger in a strange land. Without a map, she ventured forth, delving into hidden geography, relying only on what her senses told her. She wasn’t afraid of the progress she was making, and by every indication, she was making progress. It wasn’t like this before, when she was going it alone. She’d enjoyed herself, but it didn’t seem to have the same impact that was happening now. The landscape was similar, but everything seemed magnified. Every breath, every sigh, every moan from Tara’s lips let Willow know she was on the right track.