Title: Arcadia
Drabbletag 5 - Change
Fandom: The Last Of Us
Pairing: Ellie/Riley
Rating: PG
Word count: 250
It’s different, Ellie can feel it. The way Riley’s looking at her, there’s something there. Okay, so there’s always been something there. But it used to be muddied by anger and fear and that whole bundle of issues Riley calls a brain.
It’s not hidden now, not any longer. It’s clear, shining there like fractured glass under the florescent coloured lights of the arcade.
Ellie wonders what would happen if she kissed Riley. She wonders if it’ll be like those sweeter almost-kisses from before Riley left, lips brushing cheeks and nervous laughter.
Or will be like their last kiss, with Riley’s face twisting into something terrifying.
That day, Riley was a stranger to her. That day, Riley pushed her away, even though Ellie knew she didn’t want to, that she didn’t mean it. But Riley lashed out, and Ellie felt like she’d been gutted, ripped apart at the seams.
All this time, she’d thought Riley was dead. All this time, thinking about the last words they exchanged, the shouting and the swearing and the venom.
All this time, and Ellie still can’t be mad at her.
Because Riley’s changed. Or maybe that’s the wrong word, maybe it’s that Riley’s being truthful for once. Maybe it’s that aura of frustration that’s changed, maybe she’s ready to stop lying.
Maybe she’s ready for that kiss.
But Ellie, she’s not ready. She just needs a little longer, another five minutes, another ten minutes more.
It’s okay, Riley’s back now. They have the time.