Challenge 54 - Borrowed

Feb 06, 2006 00:15

Double drabble.

Fandom: new Battlestar Galactica/Stargate: SG-1
Pairing: Sam Carter/Kara Thrace
Rating: 18+
Word count: 250 (oops...)
A/N: Ah... I really tried to not let it get this long.
Summary: Too long in the cockpit requires a shower.
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crossover, author: lyssie, fandom: battlestar galactica, fandom: stargate sg-1, challenge54

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Comments 8

missmai_chan February 6 2006, 06:53:09 UTC
That is so hot, I think my head will explode.


lyssie February 7 2006, 00:40:12 UTC
*g* They're very good at doing that. Thank you.


woodface February 6 2006, 15:01:44 UTC
Ungh. Hot. I like shower sex...


lyssie February 7 2006, 00:40:25 UTC
Yes, well, so do they, apparently. *eyes*


ohhh scarimor February 6 2006, 15:01:58 UTC
I adore this pairing. And that shower was a hot one.


Re: ohhh lyssie February 7 2006, 00:40:44 UTC
Thank you =) I'm very fond of the hotness this pairing causes to be written.


agent_dark February 7 2006, 10:03:03 UTC
Oh yes, Sam/Kara fic is always a good read :D


lyssie February 8 2006, 01:31:17 UTC
*g* Thanks! *pokes at them*


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