Title: Good night, love
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Andrea/Michonne
Rating: PG
Word count: 183
HeartbreakSummary: Michonne hasn't cried in a long, long time.
Michonne hasn't cried in a long, long time. So long, she doesn't recognize the sensation as a liquid that isn't blood slides through her cheek; not because she had been so happy, that was most certainly not the case, but because for a long time she hadn't felt human, and only humans were allowed to cry as she was crying now, to feel as she was feeling now.
Because she had changed that. Andrea. She had found her, oh, she had… Michonne had been nothing more than a mere shadow that walked among the walkers until she stumbled upon Andrea, cornered and out of ammo, about to be devoured.
She had saved her, and in turn the blonde had saved her.
And now, as tears fell from her face and onto the other woman's, she tightens her grip around Andrea's body, and her clear eyes soften at her.
"I'm sorry" Andrea mutters. "You don't have to watch this."
"I'm not leaving you alone" Michonne whispers back. "You didn't do it to me."
Andrea smiles and nods.
A gunshot is heard.
Michonne's heart breaks.