Fringe, Set Routines, noir!Astrid/noir!Olivia, PG

Sep 16, 2010 22:19

Title: Set Routines
Author: ALC Punk!
Length: 1200+
Fandom: Fringe
Pairing: noir!Astrid/noir!Olivia
Rating: PG, kissing, mentions of violence
Disclaimer: not mine.
Recipient: sadieflood
Summary: Bandaging Olivia was never Esther's favorite chore.
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Comments 9

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lyssie October 9 2010, 02:55:24 UTC
Thank you. It's sort of like telling yourself you'll totally get up when the alarm goes off the first time, and faaaaaaaaaailing.



sadieflood September 19 2010, 05:02:47 UTC
Oh, wow! This is fantastic. The characters' voices are perfect, and I love Esther's inner monologue. Great opening and closing lines, too. Thank you so much for writing this for me!


lyssie October 9 2010, 02:56:47 UTC
You're welcome. I was glad to have the excuse to write something for this timeline. =D

Thank you!


livrelibre September 19 2010, 13:22:31 UTC
Ooh, I like this!


lyssie October 9 2010, 02:57:07 UTC
Thank you =D


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lyssie October 9 2010, 02:57:50 UTC
Thank you =D

I am planning to, I've just been ridiculously lax about doing so.


Set Routines fanficfab October 5 2010, 07:24:42 UTC
That was so good and really, really sexy considering the time line. Any chance of a sequel? Yeah, I know, I'm just being greedy, but I love that. Thank you so much.


Re: Set Routines lyssie October 9 2010, 03:01:51 UTC
*laughs* I don't know yet. I'd sort of really like to do some sort of case-fic, but I need to read some old hard-boiled noir detective books to get more of the style down, first.

Thank you! =D


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