Thank you thank you back-up writers!

Mar 20, 2007 18:35

mosca and I ended up needing 15 other writers, along with ourselves, to make sure everyone had a story so we wanted to say thank you, THANK YOU! to those wonderful people. So we posted to our friendslist and! under the cut, is a bunch of goodies for these awesome back-up writers. And! under the second cut is a list of the back-up writers' requests from femslash07 that we weren't able to get goodies for by today. If you'd inspired to write a ficlet or make an icon for these awesome people, feel free to post in the comments and I'll update, etc.

oxoniensis made an icon!

femmenerd wrote 1100 words of girl!Dean/Faith, SPN/Buffyverse x-over!!!

kyrafic wrote 2100 words of Karen/Pam, the Office!!

oxoniensis wrote a ficlet!!
Like Phyllon When Spring Blossoms
(Firefly, Inara/Kaylee, pg-13, for mosca)

You know there's something on her mind long before you confront her.

She hovers in the corridor as though she's waiting, then turns tail and runs when she sees you coming. At mealtimes she sits on the far side of the table, and sneaks glances at you, sidelong and quick. She laughs at Jayne, then claps her hand over her mouth as though the sound is too loud. She's never worried about being too loud before; she's always shrieked and laughed her joy. It's one of the things you love about her.

She eats less, and that's just wrong, because Kaylee loves food, especially when the shepherd cooks.

You don't think she can be sick. She does her job as well as ever, and Serenity flies smoothly. The few times Kaylee's been ill that you remember, Serenity still flew on, but you felt the difference, everyone did; the ship flies better with Kaylee's touch. So she isn't sick, just distracted, and you're quite certain it has something to do with you.

Eventually you corner her in the engine room and ask her. Directly, because this is Kaylee, and she isn't one for clever games.

She stutters and stammers and won't look you in the eye, but eventually she answers.

"I didn't know you-I didn't know folks like you slept with ladies too."

"Does that bother you?" you ask, although you think you already know the answer.

"Oh, no, of course not," she says, touchingly eager to reassure you.

"In my own time, I chose who I wish to be with, Kaywinnit Lee Frye." And you hold out your hand. Palm up and open, for her to grasp.

She rests her own hand on it, as though she's too startled not to, then lets go and pulls back.

"I'm all greasy. I'll-I'll get your fine silks grubby," she says, and she looks so distressed you can't even think of talking her out of worrying.

"I'll be in my shuttle. Will you come over, in a few minutes, please?" You're surprised by how much you want her to say yes.

She nods, uncertainly, and that's not enough.

"Promise you'll come," you add, and this time she looks you in the eye.

"Yes," she says, and smiles shyly.

The knock ten minutes later is hesitant. It couldn't be anyone else.

She walks in and then exclaims, her face alight with wonder: "Oh, Inara, it's lovely."

You've lit incense and candles, dozens of them, and she's radiant in their glow. She's in a simple floral cotton dress, and you're quite certain she has no idea how lovely she looks in it. You tell her.

"You're beautiful, baobei," you say, but you can tell she's not convinced.

"You're like the stars, 'Nara," she says, wistfully, looking around and standing carefully, so as not to touch anything. "I'm just some grubby little backwater planet circling you."

You sit her down on your bed, and sit beside her, her hands in yours. She's washed them, and they're still cold from the water and red from scrubbing.

"Some of the little planets are beautiful too, you know. There's Phyllon, for example. Have you ever been there?"

She shakes her head.

You lay her down on the bed, and start to unbutton her dress. The buttons are too big for the buttonholes, as though they're clumsy replacements for the originals, but your fingers are deft and you barely need to take your eyes off her face.

You continue to tell her about Phyllon as you undress her.

"In winter it's shimmering ice as far as you can see. And in the spring it comes to life, trees covered in the most amazing pink and white blossoms and fresh young grass that looks too green to be real." You lean in and nuzzle her belly, feeling her tremble under you. "It smells as sweet as anything you could imagine, and later in the year, the fruit harvest is justly famous." You kiss her breasts, sweet and round and ripe.

She blushes, and you think maybe now she believes you.


oxoniensis made TWO icons!

awesome oxoniensis made TWO icons!

raqs wrote a ficlet!
Saffron and River were used to staring down gun barrels, though not necessarily each other's.

"I don't want to kill you," River told her.

"That's funny, 'cause it wouldn't bother me any to kill you," Saffron spat back.

"Yes it would," said River, looking puzzled, as if Saffron had just insisted that the sky was orange when it wasn't.

"No it--" But Saffron's lower lip, though far from trembling, looked open and moist and gave her face a look that was fairly far from the idea of sudden murder.

"Look, I can save you a lot of time." River tossed the gun in her hand to the other hand so fast that Saffron didn't even have time to blink, much less pull her own trigger. "I do know what you're thinking about. And yes, I will. If you want to. But not with you holding a gun. In fact I think there would have to be some sort of prearrangement about guns and NOT having them anywhere near us. Not if you want me to pay attention." And River's head quirked to the side and one corner of her mouth turned up, as if she knew a really good secret. "And you DO want me to pay attention."


julie122 wrote a ficlet!
Title: Anyhting Easy Has Its Cost
Fandom: Scrubs Elliot/Molly
Credit: Title taken from the Barenaked Ladies song "Falling For The First Time."

"So do you want to stay here tonight? I mean it’s pretty late," Molly continued when Elliot didn’t answer. "And you have had a lot to drink."

Elliot couldn’t argue with that. One drink after work had turned into three and then two more after they left the bar for Molly’s apartment. They’d been gossiping and giggling all evening. It’s what Elliot imagined junior high would have been like if she’d actually been popular or had even one friend. Being with Molly was so easy it surprised Elliot. She didn’t have to prove herself with Molly like she sometimes felt like she had to with Carla.

"Sure, unless you think Trevor will mind." Elliot hadn’t questioned Trevor’s absence, but she imagined he would be back at some point. She never felt comfortable around Molly’s deadbeat boyfriends.

"Oh, he moved out four days ago," Molly airily waved off Elliot’s concern. "Well, I should say his parole officer came by to pick up his stuff and store it until he serves out his sentence."

"Sorry," Elliot wasn’t sure how sympathetic she should be. It’s not like everyone who had met Trevor hadn’t seen it coming. But still, Molly was her friend.

"No, it’s okay. Well actually it’s not okay for Trevor. But I’m fine. We were more roommates than lovers after the first few days." Molly sighed sadly. "I really thought he was going to make it."

"I don’t get you, Molly. You could have any guy you want, and I mean any," Elliot dragged out the last word. "All the doctors at work are in love with you, and you keep hooking up with these losers."

“They’re not that bad. Except for maybe Ronnie. You remember Ronnie don’t you? He was the one. . ."

"The one with the fetish," Elliot finished shuddering. She’d rather not remember Ronnie.

Molly laughed, but then turned serious. "You see I spend so much time helping people who want desperately to fit into society that I’m really attracted to people who are happy not fitting in. But then the psychiatrist thing kicks in, and I start trying to fix them. Either they rebel like Trevor, or it works and then they’re just boring."

"JD always followed my rules." To anyone else the comment may have seemed to come out of the blue, but to Elliot it made perfect sense. She knew JD had a crush on Molly, but based on Molly’s "type" he didn’t stand a chance. The petty part of Elliot, and that could be a very big part, was glad. She’s mostly forgiven JD, but she didn’t want him to be happy yet. Not until after she was happy, and Elliot didn’t see that happening any time soon. So who could blame her for subtly pointing out JD’s unsuitability to Molly? Elliot was counting on Molly being flighty enough to follow her logic.

"Johnny likes to please people. He’s still looking for approval," Molly nodded sagely.

That was the one thing Elliot hated about Molly. She was so scattered. Her clothes and her hair were always going in different directions, and her conversations were harder to follow that Elliot’s. But she could look and sound so freaking wise when she wanted to. Wiseness must come with the psychiatry license. When ever Elliot tried to sound wise she came off like a snobby know-it-all.

"Well, that was one of the best things about JD before he convinced me to end the one relationship that actually had a chance of going somewhere to be with him. Only after I ditched Sean he decides he doesn’t really love me and we should just be friends." Elliot took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She was talking too fast and too loud like she always did when she was upset. It was way too easy to get carried away bitching about JD’s betrayal, but she was supposed to be past all that. "Well before all that, JD was really good about following my rules."

"Now Elliot, you know no one can convince you to do something you really don’t want to do."

Elliot was so caught up in the sing-song quality of Molly’s voice that it her a minute to realize what Molly had said. "No psycho analyzing outside the hospital," she responded shrilly pointing at Molly.

"Sorry, bad habit," Molly replied easily. "So what rules did you have for Johnny?"

"Well, there was the bathroom rule."

"No talking," Molly added knowingly.

There was no need for Elliot to elaborate. Anyone who spent more than a few hours with her knew about the no talking when she was in the bathroom rule. "Then there were," Elliot lowered her voice and looked around to make sure no one else was listening. "Sex rules."

"Sex rules," Molly almost squealed. "Do tell." She pulled her legs up so she was sitting cross-legged. Molly wiggled a minute before settling with her eyes shining and her spine impossibly straight.

Elliot thought she should look like she was going to mediate, but instead she managed to radiate excitement. Elliot shook her head. She should have known Molly would ask for details. Molly loved to gossip about sex. "There are the basic rules like when, where, how long, what positions are allowable. Of course you have to establish guidelines for when lights are on or off, eyes are open or closed, and clothes are on or off.," Elliot paused and blew her hair out of her eyes. "If fantasies are involved there are special rules for costumes and accents. Most importantly, there are strict confidentiality and nondisclosure rules for anything out of the ordinary."

"Elliot stop," Molly was laughing and holding her stomach. "Sex is supposed to be fun and spontaneous. You don’t need all those rules. You just need to let it happen and follow where your body wants to take you." Molly’s smile was sweet and understanding.

Elliot opened her mouth to tell her she was wrong. Sex was messy and complicated and dangerous. Rules were important. Without the rules, sex could take over her life and then she’d be just like her mother. Elliot took a deep breath, but before she could say anything Molly cut her off with a kiss.

And not just any kiss. This was a kiss with tongue. Once Elliot got over her shock she really needed to tell Molly that she didn’t allow tongue during the first kiss unless it was with a complete stranger. But in order to tell her that she would have to stop the kiss, and Elliot wasn’t sure she wanted to do that. Then Molly slipped her hands under Elliot’s shirt and pushed back until she was laying flat on the couch, and Elliot forgot all about her rules.


oxoniensis made FOUR icons!

queenzulu & jennyo see comments! For icons!!

Listed fandoms I request: (limit three):
1. Battlestar Galactica :: Laura/Maya, Laura/Kara, Roslin/Six, Caprica!Six/D'Anna, Roslin/D'Anna, Kara/Cain, Gina/Cain
2. CSI (Vegas) :: Sara/Sofia, Sofia/Lady Heather, Sofia/Wendy
3. Law & Order: SVU :: Alex/Olivia
Wildcard fandoms I request: (limit three):
1. Poltergeist: the Legacy :: Alex/Rachel
2. The West Wing :: CJ/Ainsley, CJ/Abbey, CJ/Kate
3. BSG/West Wing crossover :: Laura Roslin/Abbey Bartlet


Listed fandoms I request: (limit three):
CSI Las Vegas: Catherine/Sara, Catherine/Sofia, Catherine/Meg Cunningham (aka Dina Meyer’s character)
DCU Comic: Huntress/Oracle, Renee Montoya/Kate Kane, Renee/Oracle, Kate/Huntress, Oracle/Catwoman
Wildcard fandoms I request: (limit three):
Law And Order: Trial By Jury: Tracey/Kelly
Law and Order: Criminal Intent: Barek/Eames
ER: Kerry/Abby, Kerry/Courtney


Listed fandoms I request: (limit three):
1) CSI - Catherine Willows/Lady Heather
2) X-Men Movieverse - Rogue/Mystique, Kitty/Rogue, Mystique/Jubilee, Mystique/Callisto
3) Harry Potter: Pansy Parkinson/Hermione Granger, Narcissa/Bellatrix, Pansy Parkinson/Narcissa
Wildcard fandoms I request: (limit three):
1) X-Men comics: Emma Frost/Tessa Niles (Sage), Jean Grey/Emma Frost, Mystique/Rogue
2) NCIS: Abby Scuito/Ziva David


Name/LJ Name: Lily/lilysaid
Listed fandoms I request:
1. Stargate Atlantis: Teyla/Sora, Teyla/Elizabeth
2. Battlestar Galactica: Kara Thrace/Sharon
3. House: Cuddy/Cameron
Wildcard fandoms I request:
Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1: Vala/Elizabeth, Vala/Cadman

Name/LJ Name: sheepfairy
Listed fandoms I request:
1. Battlestar Galactica: Caprica/Boomer, Ellen/Anybody
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla/Darla, Anya/Buffy, Anya/Lilah
3. Grey's Anatomy: Izzie/Bailey, Addison/Bailey
Wildcard fandoms I request:
1. Commander in Chief: Jayne/Anybody, Sarah/Anybody, Grace/Nora
2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Riza/Olivier Mila Armstrong, Riza/Gracia, Riza/Winry, Riza/Lust
3. Ugly Betty: Wilhelmina/Christina


Name/LJ Name: Celievamp
Listed fandoms I request: (limit three):
Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Roslin/Six
Doctor Who ("new" Who only: Nine/Ten/Torchwood/Sarah Jane Adventures) - Gwen/Sarah Jane Smith
Stargate SG-1 Sam/Vala
Wildcard fandoms I request: (limit three):
BSG/SG1 - Replicarter/Six or Three or Eight
Farscape - Aeryn/Chiana
West Wing - CJ Cregg/Kate Harper

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