Fic: Wondering (LnO:CI Eames/Barek)

Mar 12, 2007 22:08

Title: Wondering
Author: lolly_a_holic
Fandom: Law and Order Criminal Intent
Recipient: mrswoman
Pairing: Eames/Barek
Word Count: 1300ish words
Rating: R.
Author's Notes: For femslash07. This is my first fic in a long time... And my first request fic. I have to say its kind of nice to write again. This is kind of my take on how/why Barek left. Its probably not all that accurate as far as actual references to cases in the show goes. But i hope everyone finds it entertaining. Any mistakes are also mine. Feedback is good... Oh and I am Australian, so forgive me for our way of spelling things, and if i got anything particularly wrong!

Sun shining through the blinds pulled the petite blonde from her light slumber with a groan as she pulled the covers over her head as if to hide from it. Rolling towards the middle of the bed, she stuck her hand out to the side, noting the empty space and lack of warmth signifying her visitor’s departure a few hours ago.

Detective Alex Eames looked at her watch as she entered the bar. She tended to be a creature of habit, but tonight she arrived around half an hour later than she usually did to the bar on a Friday night. It wasn’t that she particularly liked the bar, but it was on the way home, and she generally needed a drink to wind down after a week with Goran.
“Can I get a beer please” She asked the bar keep, sliding some cash over the polished wood surface. He nodded and uncapped a bottle taking the note. “Keep the change.”

Willing herself out of bed with the promise of a warm shower to clear her sleepy head. As she turned on the shower, her naked body thrummed in memory of the night before, but something within her felt a pang of something else… a cross between surprise, regret and arousal at the thought her new lover.

Eames settled herself on the bar stool, taking a long sip of the beer. It had been a hard year. The whole squad had been thrown into a spin with the resignation of Deakins, leaving her to wonder what their new Captain would be like… or more to the point, how he would react to Goran and his unorthodox style of investigation. Looking down at her bottle she took one last sip before signalling the bartender for another.

A loud roar of laughter came from around the pool table, where it seemed that one of the young detectives had missed an shot due to his inebriation, therefore setting up the win for a butch looking patrol cop for almost certain embarrassment and probably $50. Eames watched as her prediction came true, rolling her eyes as the winner strutted around trying to further the embarrassment of her competitor. Out of the corner of her eye, the blonde noticed a familiar face sitting in a dark corner to the right of the pool table.

As the hot water poured over her naked body, she wondered why her companion had left her bed. She wondered if she was ashamed of the unabashed passion she unleashed in her bed embarrassed her. She wondered if it was something she said, or something she didn’t say. But mostly she wondered if it would ever happen again, or if they would continue to work side by side as if nothing had even happened.

Carolyn Barek.

Having worked with Barek for nearly a year Eames recognised the same kind of intelligence in her as she did in her partner. She had always been curious about her personally, but was generally too conscious to initiate any non-work related discussion for fear of coming across as nosey and protective given Barek’s federal background.

Motioning to the bartender to get his attention, she yelled over the crowd:
“I’ll have another, and one of whatever she is drinking.”

Eames walked over to Barek’s table and sat down, sliding the scotch across to her.
“You looked like you were about ready for another.” The blonde said, having to speak loudly to be heard over the roars of the bars mainly male occupants.

“Thanks”. Barek replied, taking the offered drink and sipping it slowly, regarding the petite blonde in front of her. “You’re in later than usual tonight.” She commented. Eames sat quietly wondering how to take the comment. She did come into this same bar every Friday night at around 7.30pm if she wasn’t working a case, but never had she noticed the brunette before.

“Yeah, I was finishing up the paperwork from the latest case with Bobby. Trying to start with a clean slate for the new captain starting on Monday.”

“Ah yes, Danny Ross. Fresh from a highly successful task force, word around town is that he is tough, but fair.” Barek studied Eames face for a moment, noting the slight creases in her forehead, and her closed posture. She was cute when she was worried, she decided. “And you’re worried about how he will react to your partner’s investigative style?” It was more a statement than a question.

Eames looked up at Barek, wondering how she knew exactly what she was thinking, but not surprised that she did, knowing it was one of her specialties when she worked for the FBI. “Yeah, well after the case we worked together earlier in the year and the things that came out in court, I cant help but feel a little protective.”

“Understandable. I wish I could say the same about Logan.” Barek laughed, snorting a little. It was infectious and Eames couldn’t help but laugh.

Alex wasn’t quite sure how they had gone from laughing in the bar to making out in the car, but the feel of her soft lips against her own and a hand slowly creeping under her blouse meant she didn’t really care.
“Lets go back to your house.” Carolyn mumbled against her lips.
“I cant drive, I have had too many beers.” Alex breathed, breaking away and look resting her forehead against Carolyn’s looking into her eyes and seeing her own desire reflected in them.
“I’ll drive… just tell me where to go.”

Sitting on her sofa, wrapped in a plush bath robe, Eames closed her eyes, remembering the feeling of her fellow detective’s weight on her own. Sighing she checked her cell phone again, waiting for a call or a message she didn’t really think she would get.

They were barely through the front door when Carolyn pounced on the blonde, pinning her down against the sofa. Not long after a large pile of clothes had formed, and a symphony of moans from both women as hands and lips explored petite and toned bodies. Managing to pull away from Carolyn for a moment, she pulled her up from the couch into a smouldering kiss.
“Come on, lets go to bed…” She whispered, fingers lingering over the brunette’s nipple, savouring the feeling of the shiver it sent through her.

The shrill ringing of her cell phone jolted Alex from her memories, her flushed cheeks the only telltale sign of the impure thoughts she had been having. She cleared her throat.
“Alex, its Bobby. You wont believe what has just happened…” The serious voice of her partner pulled her back into the present.
“Oh?” She replied.
“Barek was still working for the feds… like a double agent. For the last year she had been working to bring down Carver… apparently he was living well beyond his means, funded through some crime syndicate.”
“God, I didn’t see that one coming.” Eames was startled, the thought she still might be working with the feds had never crossed her mind. “What about Barek? Where is she now?”
“No one knows, Logan thinks she was reassigned to somewhere in the Middle East.”

A lot of things suddenly started to make sense to Alexandra Eames.

In their sweaty aftermath, breathing still ragged, legs still intertwined, Barek propped herself up on one arm.
“I should have made the move sooner.” She mumbled quietly. The blonde beside her was close to slumber.
“It’s okay… we can make up for it… again tomorrow.” She replied sleepily. Carolyn lent down and kissed her softly on the lips.
“Tomorrow…” She sighed. Watching Alex’s breathing even out, knowing she had fallen asleep. “I will always wonder what tomorrow would be like.”


criminal intent

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