"Somehow, The Devil Got Behind Her" - (Alias, for ijemanja)

Mar 25, 2005 19:19

Title: Somehow, The Devil Got Behind Her
Author: Nina
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sydney/Lauren
Disclaimer: J.J. Abrams etc. own Alias, Wolfgang Petersen etc. own The Agency, I own a cat.
Timeline: Resolves around 3x22. Spoilers up to 4x09.
Summary: Looking away doesn’t change anything. And just by looking at something, one doesn’t necessarily face the ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

morte351 March 26 2005, 17:09:45 UTC
I am not familiar with this fandom at all but am sufficiently intrigued enough to go check it out further.

Thank you for sharing.


zazuomgwtf March 27 2005, 07:30:09 UTC
I am very weak. I could not keep myself from reading it even though I knew there were spoilers because Simon said it was good. You write very well!


ijemanja March 28 2005, 03:49:17 UTC
Wow, I love it! Lauren in this is perfect - smirking and evil and alluring. Syd going a little off the deep end, her reaction when Lauren doesn't follow the plan, resenting her father when he sides with Vaughn - all so great. Sydney working with Lauren, being attracted to her, is so out of character, but you really sold it - Irina's death being the perfect motivating factor. What I really want to do now is watch the finale again and imagine this story going on in the background. Thank you, this was so worth the wait.


honeymink March 31 2005, 10:09:00 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it because I wasn't quite sure that'd be anything you would want to read. Thanks so much for your feedback. *hugs*


fierce_desea February 28 2006, 06:37:44 UTC
Great fic. I was searching for some femslash and I found this- my original femslash. I love the way you write this pairing. And you write Lauren so well. I miss her. She needs to come back before the series finale. Somehow.


blankbadge October 2 2007, 23:01:48 UTC
Brilliant. I love fic that fits into the series so well but adds different scenes and interpretations. Great stuff.


honeymink October 3 2007, 00:09:40 UTC
Thank you! And yes, that's my favourite kind of story too. Hence the thing I tend to write most.


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