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Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites sweetjamielee July 10 2011, 23:35:43 UTC
They are as different while fucking as they are any other time.

Kalinda likes roughness, the bite of pain; she whispers harder, harder when her skin is grazed by Alicia’s teeth. Alicia prefers a gentle touch, whisper-breaths against her inner thighs and the brush of fingertips teasing her until she trembles.

Alicia prefers a cloak of privacy, the safety of her bed, the knowledge that there’s no one on the other side of the wall to hear. Kalinda gets off on danger, touching her under boardroom tables, pulling her into darkened corners and leaving lipstick marks in places Alicia has to hastily rub off or cover up.

Kalinda’s not a fan of taking time to reflect. After she comes, she wants a repeat performance - doesn’t want their breathing to slow, their sweat to dry, it’s always more, again. Alicia wants to separate for awhile, share the space without the intensity that makes her feel crazy, out of control ( ... )


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites badfluffy July 11 2011, 00:31:25 UTC
Hahah! You're just awesome!
It's undeniably porn and yet so classy! Just like our ladies.
And this:
the only thing they do have in common is their weakness to this, and they are not the first or the last to discover the attraction in opposition
might very well be my favorite last line in fanfic ever.

Keep heating it up!


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites sweetjamielee July 11 2011, 20:16:30 UTC
*curtsies* Well TY my dear!! It's always a pleasure to hear that one's porn has maintained a standard of class (TOLD you I was a lady, ahem;-). I'm happy you enjoyed, and oc always, always happy to smut things up a bit.


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites badfluffy July 11 2011, 20:33:09 UTC
I bow down to your ladyhood. It's been confirmed. And you just cannot write smut, darling. Unless there's such thing as thinking smut and if there is, you shall be crowned Queen of Thinking Smut.


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites lizook12 July 11 2011, 00:46:02 UTC
I sorta love how all the action is... well, not unstated because it is, but... it's not in the moment and play by play yet you still get that impact, the heat and need of it.

Favorite bit? Alicia would rather not say anything… rather contain her vocalizations to sighs and bit-off moans. Kalinda curses, says words that any other time Alicia hates Not just for how it juxtaposes them or the inherent sexiness, but because it shows how Alicia can bend in for a moment, for Kalinda, no matter how opposite they are.

Nice job :)


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites sweetjamielee July 11 2011, 20:46:41 UTC
Thank you, babe! I really do think that on some level they'd find the differences between them more exciting than anything. Alicia is very bendable when it comes to Kalinda.:)


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites rhyfeddu July 11 2011, 16:31:04 UTC
Aw, now - I think this deserves to get posted on your journal, too. Quality, not quantity. ;)

Kalinda’s not a fan of taking time to reflect. After she comes, she wants a repeat performance - doesn’t want their breathing to slow, their sweat to dry, it’s always more, again. Alicia wants to separate for awhile, share the space without the intensity that makes her feel crazy, out of control.

Perfect summation of the differences, perfectly hot. Perfect. (The doesn't want "their sweat to dry" in particular is...umph).


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites sweetjamielee July 11 2011, 20:52:47 UTC
Hee, thanks! It WILL get journal-posted at some point; it's good motivation to write a few more flashfics so that it has company. So glad you enjoyed this... I shall never tire of the idea of them hot and sweaty and begrudgingly reveling in their differences.:)


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites threeguesses July 11 2011, 22:38:58 UTC
*big grin* DUDE. What a perfect thing to come home to; my whole day just got a MILLION times better.

Of course Kalinda likes it rough - this is basically my personal canon now. And Alicia likes it nicer, and they have to switch up their styles to satisfy each other and guh. GUH, I SAY. AND THE SWEARING. Oh man, I have such a thing for Kalinda cursing in bed. And the fact that they keep falling together because they can't stay away and they know it's bad for them and oh my god, HOW did you hit all my narrative kinks in 300 words?

&hearts You madame, are amazing.


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites sweetjamielee July 12 2011, 20:54:35 UTC
But the thing is, it's NOT bad for them, it's GOOD FOR THEM. THE BAD FOR THEM IS ALL IN THEIR HEADS. After a few hundred go-rounds like this, they'll learn. Aaaall in good time.

Thanks, lovey. Yeah, I'm pretty sure swearing!Kalinda and the whole "resistance is futile" element to their relationship are ***things*** for me (Yes, all those asterisks WERE required). So glad we agree on the SUPREME HOTNESS of these concepts. *g*


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites demoka July 12 2011, 10:34:53 UTC
Guh! Yeah, they must be incompatible cause there are all sorts of sparks flying! XP

Oh man, I would LOOOOOOVE to see Archie re-enact this bit:
“Knew you’d be back,” Kalinda says, smirking as she leans against her apartment’s doorframe, hip thrust out and provocative in that way that comes completely natural for her.

Well, truthfully I want them to re-enact this whole drabble, but I know that's not gonna happen.... XP
Mm, so deliciously sexy! And guh, yes, sighs & moans and oh so sexy!
Thanks for sharing!


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites sweetjamielee July 12 2011, 21:01:16 UTC
Friction creates sparks, and that's how THAT works.:)

And yes, I have a bit of a THING for Archie's Kalinda-poses (see icon), so I obviously assume Alicia does as well.

So glad you enjoyed... it's a pleasure to write them. Thanks for commenting!


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites icymercury July 16 2011, 22:41:01 UTC
Oh how I love the way you write these two. Always hot! Thanks :)


Re: Incompatible, The Good Wife, Alicia/Kalinda, opposites sweetjamielee July 18 2011, 16:19:34 UTC
Why thank you! Hot is what I aim for. :-D


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