So, it's snowing like crazy here and we've already got a bunch of inches (well, okay, they're a bunch to me, pffffft). Pictures tomorrow, perhaps, as I've promised my mom some.
Tonight, however, is that Pete/Patrick Fall Out Boy picspam I promised earlier this week. (Don't everyone run at once.) No, really. They are SO SLASHY TOGETHER. Seriously. Just look.
(And this may be my way of coaxing people into reading my Pete/Patrick that should be finished this weekend. Maybe. *looks shifty*)
So clicky-clicky. You know you want to. Come on. Do it. Yeah.
This is Patrick. He says hi. Patrick is my woobie. Muchly.
This is Pete. He says hi, too. Say hi to Pete everyone.
Patrick loves his MacBook Pro. I love him for loving it. No. Really. I mean that. LOVE. My little Machead. I don't know if I want the computer or him more. Seriously. GAH THE CHOICES.
Patrick also loves his headphones. Sometimes, in my head, Pete gets annoyed with him wearing them all the time and smacks him upside the head just out of spite. Or love. I have a very brutal head at times.
Patrick also wears hats all the time because he's a little self-conscious about his hairline. Pete, of course, mocks him whenever he doesn't. Because that's what life partners friends do.
Pete loves his dog Hemmingway. I love him for loving him too. Hemmy is a very loveable dog
Pete also likes chimpanzees. And does his makeup very well. This is partially why I suddenly have a need to read genderswitch fic. He makes a very pretty girl.
Patrick and Pete are lovers boyfriends married best friends. Yes. They are.
Together with their other friends Andy (far left) and Joe (far right), they form Fall Out Boy. Perhaps you've heard me mention them a time or two lately.
Patrick sings and plays the guitar. Please to be noting his fabulous thighs. These are the thighs that make lesbians squirm like crazy and have whole livejournal communities dedicated to them. No. Really.
Patrick also plays the piano.
Wait, let's go back to those thighs for a moment, shall we? Yeah. Those are...nice. Really. Really. Nice.
Where was I? Oh, right. Patrick was originally a drummer in his earlier bands. I think I'm a little bit in love with him just for his musical abilities alone. And the thighs. Yeah. The thighs.
Pete plays bass. He's also a Harry Potter fan. And might as well be a slasher, really, given his t-shirt. Which I want. With Draco's picture on it. Because that would rock. (Also, I want that nail polish...)
I mean, he's really a fan. Question is...which House? I think he likes to think Gryffindor. It's possible.
Sometimes Pete toys around with his acoustic guitar.
Pete really likes his guitar.
Pete also really likes to take pictures of himself. A lot.
Sometimes this leads to things like pictures of his wang floating around the Internet. (They're not that hard to find.)
(Er. Without the Hush Sound CD. But nice try, Wentz.)
This whole event embarrasses Pete some.
He gets over it by practicing his Kegels on stage.
This surprises Patrick, but he rather likes it.
A lot.
So he wears Pete's t-shirt on stage. You know. The one he stole from his drawer that morning when he rolled out of Pete's bed and stumbled into the living room of the hotel suite where everyone was having breakfast already and everyone pretended not to notice the hickeys all up and down his throat.
Yeah. Er. Like that. Except with less clothes. Although the hat might have stayed.
This makes Pete very happy.
And sometimes a little shy.
Pete doesn't like being shy, so sometimes he has to make a statement with other guys. You know. Push the boundaries. Act out.
That's okay. Patrick just gets back at him with guys of his own.
And, apparently My Little Ponies.
And sometimes camels. (Don't ask.)
This makes Pete Mr. Crankypants.
Really, really, really Crankypants.
He goes and indulges his heterosexual side with plasticized Hollywood starlets.
Or he calls up ex-boyfriend Mikey Way of My Chemical Romance.
They're very close.
This distracts Patrick enough that he doesn't notice this woman's breasts. (Really. He's so gay.)
He's not too worried, though because of this guy, Frank Iero. Mikey's bandmate and, um, new boyfriend.
They're very close.
Let's look at Frank again. Mostly because
luciamad thinks he's brutally hot and I have to agree. Yum.
Pete and Patrick have a little scuffle over Mikeyway.
They don't talk for a few days.
When they finally do, they just argue even more.
Patrick lets his shirt do the talking for him.
Pete checks Patrick's ass out on stage. He's kind of missing regular sex.
He thinks about Patrick's ass a lot.
Which is okay because Patrick's clearly thinking about Pete's cock.
Roadie Dirty tries to help with Patrick's sexual frustration. It doesn't work. Really. Would it for you?
Andy and Joe think a water fight might help because nothing says homoerotic phallicism like squirting large water pistols at other men while stripped down to your underwear.
Really. See?
There are just no words. None. Except that I adore that Patrick wears not only full-fledged boxers but a t-shirt. Oh, my bodily-insecure woobie.
All this effort helps some. At least Patrick doesn't shove Pete's feet off his lap in the middle of a photo shoot.
The sexual tension is too much and Patrick finally asks Pete for a bit of reacharound action. Andy and Joe pretend not to hear him.
Pete decides that Patrick needs a bit of blowin' in the van.
This implodes puffy-rainbow-clad Patrick's mind. (Really. How can a man who OWNS THIS JACKET be straight?)
He suggests a bit of kinky sex in return.
Pete's not stupid...he says fuck yeah.
Joe and Andy are just glad they've made up. No details please. For the love of God. Please.
Although sometimes Andy thinks they're a bit too queer.
Not that Andy has a lot of room to talk. Although, as he points out, sometimes these things just happen.
And these.
And these.
Er. Right.
Okay. who's to blame for this?
Oh, yeah. Well. That's obvious.
Sometimes they try not to be gay. Their publicist makes them in public so as not to offend the teenie demographic.
It doesn't work.
No, really.
I'm serious, guys.
Not even on Andy.
Pete might as well give up.
And Patrick.
Oh, baby. That's just...honey.
Pete and Patrick say fuck it.
They'll just go with the flow. No use hiding it, right?
Not at all.
In any way....
...or form.
Can they throw down and fuck each other on stage? Please? For the love of God?
"Oh, wait. Were we supposed to be straight? Oops."
What the fuck. Might as well throw caution to the wind and have it preserved on video too.
And the fans said thank you.
Pete and Patrick say you're welcome. Is there anything else we can do for you?
Why yes. Can you start going to things like you're a couple?
And maybe act a little possessive?
How about a little domestic?
And could you maybe look like you got dressed from the same closet?
What about a little bit of kid interaction for those of us who like kidfic?
And want to imagine you adopting a daughter a la Angelina? Come on. Madonna's done it. You can too. Break out of the closet, boys.
"Well.....okay. But only because we love you."
So where's our fic, bitches?
Get back to that keyboard. Now.