TEEVEE! Plus, odds and ends of the fics I'm hiding from you

Aug 18, 2006 13:04

So were you ever curious about what shows I watch that I'm not fannish about? Heh.

Annotated List of What I'll be Watching this Fall )

faith/dean, what femme did, fic, btvs, meme, rps, tv

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Comments 28

stultiloquentia August 18 2006, 21:04:13 UTC
I like Reggie.

I have no idea who Jason Behr is, except, apparently, an imp.

OMG Faith/Dean fabulousness!

Faith/Dean fanmix



femmenerd August 18 2006, 21:11:02 UTC
Yes, I think I should definitely hang out with Reggie a bit more. For one thing, it'd be a serious coup for me to write total gen fic.

Jason Behr is the hot guy in my icon, who is actually probably not so much of an imp as I've written him but I have a sick need to tease James Marsters.

And yes, the Faith/Dean Fanmix. I started making it in my head on my drive to Chicago and realized that it had a chronology in my head, so now I'm writing vignettes to go with each song that eventually will add up to a long story told in glimpses. P.S. I'm posting it on a beta filter if you wanna be added.


stultiloquentia August 18 2006, 22:19:00 UTC
posting it on a beta filter if you wanna be added.

Yez pleaze. Won't promise to contribute much, as have no knowledge of Supernatural, but will be happy lurker, at least.


femmenerd August 18 2006, 22:39:51 UTC
'K. I added you. I've only posted on it twice so far.

So lurk away, but also, you may not know from SPN but you do know from words and all that. :)


fluffybkitty August 18 2006, 21:34:07 UTC
I've never seen Supernatural in my life, but just from reading your snippets I want more Faith/Dean!


femmenerd August 18 2006, 21:46:47 UTC
Hey, thanks! The rest of my (posted) Faith/Dean fic can be found here and there is also more fic/icons/etc. by others to be found at faith_dean.


greenapricot August 18 2006, 22:25:44 UTC
Baby, if I was there I'd put those Ikea things together for you.

Guess I'll have to find you a picture of me then. Or take some with the new hair. Your fridge seems to be suffering from a lack of Ackles, though.

heh. corn-fed.


femmenerd August 18 2006, 22:33:49 UTC
I know you would loverly, because YOU'RE THE BUTCH ONE. Heh.

My fridge is suffering from a lack of Ackles, but really, that might just hit too close too home and cross that line in the sand I have about the stackling.

Um, my stupid brain might be drafting a Faith/Dean 'ship manifesto. Blar.


greenapricot August 19 2006, 01:49:07 UTC

Stackling! *gigglesnort*

I love you.

J is here and he brought me BtVS S3 & 4. And we watched the last two eps of S2 (and hopelfully we will make it through to the Faith) but now there are people. Also, there's been wine and damn, but do I wish you were here. & I had something or other that was v. v. important to say to you about something that happened in the last ep but I can't remember it now.


femmenerd August 19 2006, 01:52:04 UTC
Waaaaaaaaaaah! I am so jealous. I so want to be there with guys right now.

*pouts madly*

And you'll remember and tell me later.

I need a pouting icon, instead all I've got is Dean and beer.


girlguidejones August 18 2006, 22:36:59 UTC
Your list and my list have a little bit of list-cest going on.

Veronica Mars, SPN, BSG, Daily show and Colbert Report, SVU, House, Saved, The Closer, Monk, and Psych. And I will give the obscenely, annoyingly named Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip a whirl because it has Bradley Whitford and I miss the hell out of Josh Lyman.


femmenerd August 18 2006, 23:14:03 UTC
List-cest! Hee.


lynnenne August 19 2006, 00:54:30 UTC
That’s right, you do have a habit of dating the WB demographic.

HAHAHAHAHA! If kittyzams doesn't kill you, I will! But in a loving way, of course.


femmenerd August 19 2006, 01:50:11 UTC
Never have I received such a loving threat to my life. :P


lynnenne August 19 2006, 02:18:08 UTC
Fandom is so thoughtful that way. :D


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