Fandom Poll

Jan 02, 2008 13:31

ETA: Fandom Poll is now closed!

To save what little sanity we have left, we're going to limit the fandoms available for the femme_fic ficathon.

But rather than us pick the fandoms, we want the folks who will (hopefully) be participating to pick them! Please vote for up to ten fandoms on the poll that you would either request or write!

Remember, all fic must focus positively on female characters (gen, femmeslash and het are all welcome).

This poll will be open until January 16th. Then we will determine which fandoms to include and open sign-ups. Sign-ups will open around the 16th and close the 30th. Assignments will go out by February 3rd and stories will be due between March 28th and 31st.

Any questions can be asked in the comments!

ETA: Feel free to comment with any additional fandoms that we missed and if there's enough support for them, they'll also be included in the ficathon! It was hard for us to come up with a comprehensive list :)

Poll Femme Fic Fandoms

admin: fandom poll

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