The show This American Life describes
the segment behind the LJ cut below as:
A hot dog stand in Chicago, The Wiener's Circle, has this gimmick that you occasionally see in restaurants: the staff acts rudely, in sort of a playful way, and cracks jokes about the customers. Except at The Wiener's Circle, late at night, the gimmick becomes more than
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Comments 44
Dominant white culture has not sought out to erradicate racism (or any other racism) but rather to teach those thoughts as 'rude' - akin to placing your fork on the wrong side of the plate. I have seen racism discussed *as* a class issue with more 'cultured folks' holding the same exact racist thoughts as anyone else - but holding it in thinking that it is uncouth to share such thoughts. Again, not that it is wrong-headed to hold the theories - just that they should not be shared in 'polite company'
frat guys?
While the clientele are arguably something that should be addressed - the root causes: culture & institutionalized racism are what have to be addressed.
also, its only a matter of time before something truly irrevocable happens. I'm suprised it hasn't happened already.
Talking about race is impolite? Isn't that a favorite silencing method these days? 'Oh those uncouth POC, always playing the race card, always bringing THAT up, don't they know how impolite that is?'
I'm learning that it is white privelege to be able to not bring it up.
No, it's not. Does Chicago have a huge racist streak running through it? Oh you'd better believe it! But dammit...I really hope people from elsewhere don't watch this video and think this will happen to them in any restaurant they might visit in the city.
While I understand not wanting Chicago, or any city, to be viewed in such a way - I think that saying 'this is what Chicago is all about' isn't saying you go to a restaurant and this will happen, but rather 'the racism is huge and on the edge of every moment.
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