Title: Putting In Doors
Author: immortal_jedi aka jedipati
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2, 693
Warnings: Ghosts, and the hunting thereof
Prompt: 17)The worst walls are never the ones you find in your way. The worst walls are the ones you put there--you build yourself. Those are the high ones, the thick ones, the ones with no doors in. --Ursula K. LeGuin (born October 21, 1929), present-day American author, particularly well-known in the science fiction and fantasy genres.
Summary: Jo is one of the Hunters who Hunts alone, though she wishes she had a partner. It's hard, doing this job alone. It's even harder doing this job when you know your family doesn't approve.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to
paper_rose16 for the beta work.
Maybe it's time to find a wall with doors)